大家來看李奧納多的新片 "大亨小傳" 預告片學英文訓練聽力
預告片(無字幕) 中文預告片 (從48秒處開始)
Mr. Gatsby, I'd like to know exactly who are you anyhow?
Can't you see who this guy is?
His house, his parties, his fancy clothes.
We were born different from you. It's in ourblood.
Nothing that you do, or dream up, can ever change that.
Gatsby. He had a grand vision for his life since he was a boy.
I want to fix things just the way they were before.
Just you and me.
No amount of fire could challenge the fairy tale he had stored up
in his heart.
♪ Will you still love me, when I'm no longer young and beautiful ♪
Is all this made entirely from your own imagination?
But I had the uneasy feeling that he was guarding secrets.
I wish I had done everything on earth with you.
I don't want to go home.
Then don't.
♪ Now there's green light in my eyes ♪
♪ And my lover on my mind ♪
♪ And I sing from the piano ♪
It had gone beyond her.
It had gone beyond everything.
Something outta be done about a fella like that.
♪ Over the love of you, cry, cry, cry ♪
My life - my life has got to be like this.
It's got to keep going on.
exactly 確切地, 精確地; 完全地
fancy 別緻的; 花俏的
grand vision 宏偉願景
challenge 挑戰
fairy tale 童話
entirely 完全地; 徹底地
imagination 空想; 妄想; 幻想
uneasy 心神不安的; 擔心的
Anne 老師簡介
★ 大學英文講師/ 繪本老師 / 鋼琴老師 / Music Together 合格教師 / 作家
★ 紐約大學英語教學碩士
★ 15 年以上教學經驗
★ 著作:
1. 馬上就會! 看美國熱門影集學英文
2. 看影集學英文 ~ 十二堂學好英語口說必修課程
★ 課程: 聽力 / 會話 / 文法 / 閱讀 / 英文繪本
/ 新聞英語 / TOEIC / 看影片學英文
★ teacheranne4u@gmail.com
★ 粉絲頁: 臉書搜尋 Anne's English Cafe/Anne's Story House
- May 25 Sat 2013 11:03
★看影片學英文★ The Great Gatsby 《大亨小傳》