尾牙 year-end party
抽獎 lucky draw
A: When are we going to have our year-end party?
Anne 老師簡介
目前分類:這個英文怎麼說 (12)
- Jan 23 Sun 2022 15:42
★這個英文怎麼說★ 尾牙 / 抽獎
- Jan 03 Tue 2017 09:51
★這個英文怎麼說★ 年終獎金 / 跳槽 / 挖角
年關將至, 大家都很關心能拿到多少年終獎金
不少人打算跳槽, 想在農曆年後換工作
年終獎金 year-end bonus / annual bonus (n.)
跳槽 job-hop (v.) job hopping (n.)
(此字的意思較為負面, 指頻繁更換工作)
- Jan 05 Mon 2015 21:49
★這個英文怎麼說★ 新年新希望
不知不覺就邁入 2015 年了
新年新希望的英文是 New Year's resolution
Have you made any New Year's resolutions?
What are your New Year's resolutions?
Google 發現許多人的願望是減肥 (lose weight) 和戒菸 (quit smoking)
- Mar 03 Mon 2014 21:19
★這個英文怎麼說★ 自拍
上傳 Twitter 後,幾分鐘內就有數十萬網友轉推,自拍的英文是 selfie
這個字在去年被牛津字典列為「年度風雲單字」(Word of the Year 2013)
selfie: a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one
taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a
social media
- Feb 14 Fri 2014 08:48
★這個英文怎麼說★ 元宵節 / 天燈
今年的西洋情人節恰巧碰上了中國的元宵節 (Lantern Festival)
在農曆新年一直到元宵節這段期間, 很多人會到平溪放天燈 (sky lantern)
There are many activities all over Taiwan during Lantern Festival.
Thousands of sky lanterns light over Pingxi.
祝大家元宵節和情人節快樂! ^^
- Oct 30 Sun 2011 23:10
[這個英文怎麼說] 拍照英語
許多人喜歡拍照 (take photos) 或自拍 (take self-portraits)
Let's take a picture together.
Could you please take a photo of us?
- Apr 26 Tue 2011 20:11
[這個英文怎麼說] 小三
女的小三的英文可以說 mistress
mistress 情婦
Henry has a mistress in China.
have an affair / have affairs 有外遇
- Mar 21 Mon 2011 15:12
常被念錯的英文字 - YouTube / Skype
- Jan 11 Tue 2011 11:39
[這個英文怎麼說] 你褲子的拉鍊沒拉
你可以跟他說 Your fly is open.
fly (n.) (褲子的) 前襠開口
- Jan 08 Sat 2011 20:19
[這個英文怎麼說] 霸凌
- Dec 28 Tue 2010 10:48
[這個英文怎麼說] 求婚
你也可以說 pop the question
propose: to ask someone to marry you
He proposed to her last night and she said yes.
pop the question: to ask someone to marry you
- Dec 27 Mon 2010 21:09
[這個英文怎麼說] 一字/十字螺絲起子
一字型螺絲起子是 flathead screwdriver / flat blade screwdriver
十字型螺絲起子是 Phillips screwdriver
A: Can you get me a screwdriver?
B: Flathead or Phillips?
A: Flathead, please.