Anne 老師簡介
★ 大學英文講師/ 繪本老師 / 鋼琴老師 / Music Together 合格教師 / 作家 ★ 紐約大學英語教學碩士 ★ 15 年以上教學經驗 ★ 著作: 1. 馬上就會! 看美國熱門影集學英文 2. 看影集學英文 ~ 十二堂學好英語口說必修課程 ★ 課程: 聽力 / 會話 / 文法 / 閱讀 / 英文繪本 / 新聞英語 / TOEIC / 看影片學英文 ★ ★ 粉絲頁: 臉書搜尋 Anne's English Cafe/Anne's Story House

目前分類:英文易混淆字, 你用對了嗎? (7)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
   lend: to give something to somebody or allow them to use
             something that belongs to you, which they have to 
             return to you later


I lent Tom my book.  我把我的書借給湯姆

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   [C] your name as you usually write it, for example at the
                         end of a letter


                         Is this your signature on the letter?
They collected 10000 signatures for their petition.

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   bored: feeling tired and impatient because you have
                 lost interest in somebody/something or because
                 you have nothing to do

                 (對某人/事物) 感到厭倦的;煩悶的

He was easily bored.
                 After a while I got bored and left.

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   cook: (v.)
             to prepare food by heating it, for example by boiling, baking
             or  frying it


             Where did you learn to cook?
             Who is going to cook supper?

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   rate   價格; 費用, 通常指某項服務收取的費用
             依照使用的時間來計算, 如飯店住宿的費用

   What's the rate for a double room? 

price   通常指某物品的價格 
   For a limited period only, all our books are being 
   sold at half

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  live: to have your home in a particular place 

 I've lived in Taipei for 10 years.
  Susan lives about ten miles from my house.

  stay: to live in a place for a short time as a visitor or guest

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   什麼時候用 speak?   什麼時候用 talk?


to be able to use a particular language   

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